Tuesday, March 13, 2012

From Blizzards to Spring

Okay, it might not be exactly spring but given the fact that one week ago we were buried under snow, today's sunshine and +5 degree (celcius) weather seems pretty wonderful.  I'll take it.  My husband has a number of American clients and they have been telling him that their weather is quite unusual this year too.  The pessimist side of me worries that this is global warming but the Pollyanna side of me tells me to just accept what is and be grateful for it.  There aren't any flowers blooming or lovely spring pictures to take it (outdoors is nothing but muck and slush and dirty snow).  I remember doing recess supervision on days like today.  Oh my, the messes the kids would get into. The lure of a mud puddle is just too great to resist!

On a sewing note, I have been continuing to try to do the Y seams as I inset the triangles on my Lone Star.  I have done lots of research and watched several videos.  For some reason the videos all make it look so much easier than I am finding.  However, I will continue to plug along and someday I will have a completed project to share.  In the meantime here's a picture of how I hope it will look with the background done.

The following pictures are of the quilts I made for my daughter and her boyfriend for Christmas.  They were excited to get them and are using them daily.  To me that is the ultimate reward for making a quilt...to see it loved and in use.

I called this one "In the Jungle".  For some reason it made me think of beautiful peacocks in a green jungle. 

My daughter loves to hoola hoop so I called this one Spinning Circles.  It was the first time I had tried curved pieces.  I used a template and it seemed to go okay.

Here are the two happy recepients...wrapped in love on Christmas morning!


  1. Great job on the quilts Denise.

    Your lone star is coming along nicely. I know you have found this one pretty challenging but I am sure you will be pleased when it is all said and done.

    I bet the kids would be thrilled to see you place their picture on your blog, although I think it is great.

  2. Great quilts, so beautiful! What a wonderful gift to make or receive.
    I'm sorry you're having trouble with your Lone Star. So far it looks gorgeous. It's probably a good idea to take a breather from it, do some fun sewing and tackle it when you're ready again.
